Fun – Seasonal

Tis the Season – Patio and Driveway Cleaning

Tis the Season…Grillin’

concrete cleaner before and afterWhich appearance would you rather invite the family and friends to?  The moldy backyard patio, or the clean bright mold & mildew free space that better reflects you and your home?

Outside mold and mildew is often overlooked.  It creeps up on us unaware, as it changes so slowly.  What was brite white, now has a grey tinge to it.

The good news is that MARBLELIFE Mold & Mildew Cleaner makes short work of this problem.

If you have fought this battle in the shower, you are already familiar with this effective product.  Well, it works just as well on concrete and stone patios and sidewalks.  It is so effective, that you will have a feeling of accomplishment as you see a dramatic difference in appearance in minutes whether applying with a brush or power-washing.

image007In either case, in a short-time the backyard looks the way it was intended…again.

Available in gallon and 32 ounce containers.  A gallon is sufficient to handle most driveways and patio.

When complete, consider sealing these surfaces to keep mold from penetrating the surface, keeping it on the surface where it is easier to clean.

As always, if you need it done fast… or simply want someone else to do it… CALL MARBLELIFE at 888-463-2780 for a free estimate or visit our website at

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