MARBLELIFE® Granite Countertop Sealer

3.50 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)


MARBLELIFE Stone Sealer’s wipe-on, wipe-off application provides enhanced Stain Resistance, in an easy to apply product for sealing marble, granite, terrazzo and grout.

Save Yourself Time & Money In the Future.

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MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Sealer – 4 oz SPRAY Bottle – (41140-04)

How To Seal Granite Countertops

Should I seal my granite countertops?

That is a very common question to which the answer is – YES.

Here is the answer why.
Granite and quartz are porous, which means that they have very small holes which “stuff” settles into. Some stuff like vegetable oil or flower can settle into the pores and can be removed quite easily with a high quality cleaner like MARBLELIFE Granite & Quartz Countertop Cleaner. However other stuff like coffee, red wine, makeup, red sports drink, bar-b-Que sauce and alike can stain granite and quartz. Some stains can be very difficult to remove while others more easily. Some granite is denser and less likely to stain while others are more porous and therefore more likely to stain. Stains are more noticeable on lighter granite making it even more important to seal.  A gray or darkening stain might be mildly annoying on a dark gray or black granite but standout horribly on a light or white granite.  The lighter the granite the more likely a stain is going to STAND OUT.

Some granite may have been sealed from the fabricator that cut and polished it. The installer may have applied a sealer or the previous homeowner. What sealer was used? Was it applied properly? What stage of wearing off is the sealer in? How susceptible is your granite to stains? These are at times difficult if not impossible questions to answer. As most penetrating sealers on the market are susceptible to being removed by acids, acidic spills involving vinegar, lemon juice, most drinks, sodas can all damage or remove the original seal.

MARBELIFE understands how quickly this can happen, as we use acid washes to remove seals before re-applying grout seals.  People are shocked to learn it can be done in a single application.  The issue is that you cannot see it, by design, you see the result of its presence of lack there of.  If sealed, you just have to clean what is ON the surface.  If not sealed, cleaning becomes more difficult.  Imagine trying to clean the bottom of a test tube with your kitchen sponge and cloth?  Very difficult.  Better to seal the pore in the stone and just have to keep the top clean – much easier.

For this reason it is recommended across the board to apply a sealer to your granite or quartz. It’s not expensive, it’s easy and it may save you a difficult, frustrating and even costly process of removing a stain.

An added benefit to sealing your granite is that it makes cleaning your granite easier and quicker. Sealing granite and quartz also helps reduce the amount of bacteria that gets trapped in the pores leading to a healthier and better smelling home.

How Granite Sealers work is that they should place a safe, transparent substance into the open pores of the granite or quartz making it more difficult for dangerous substances to find their way into the pores. Even very high quality granite sealers wear off over time as they should. Sealers should be applied annually and in high wear or traffic areas twice a year is recommended. Some sealers boast of a many year warranty. This is of no real value, as all sealers wear off and in various rates, largely dependent on use and traffic. Additionally the use of a high quality granite cleaner should, little by little pull off the sealer. This is the healthiest care for your granite. Therefore do not buy into the long life warranty as it is of no additional value. We know because we are the professionals called to solve the problems after other products have failed.

MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Sealer is a highest quality granite sealer designed to provide maximum protection while being safe for all types of granite and quartz. This small bottle of granite sealer is enough to do a large kitchen of granite counters. If your kitchen is extra large a second bottle may be a good idea, but in most cases one bottle is quite sufficient. Our sealer comes with a micro-mist spray to help you not use too much in the application process. You will also enjoy that our granite sealer is low odor so that you are not overwhelmed with fumes like other sealers.

For additional important information on caring for your granite countertops or quartz see the page for Granite & Quartz Countertop Cleaner.  Below are listed some benefits of this product:

100% Guaranteed by MARBLELIFE the World’s Leader in Stone Care

MARBLELIFE is the world’s leader in repairing and maintaining natural stone. We place our over 25 years of experience behind the products we use and place our name on. MARBLELIFE is proud to offer a complete 100% satisfaction Guarantee Plus. If you are not happy with your MARBLELIFE Care Product for any reason you may contact us for a full refund. Plus were available, we can send a MARBLELIFE Service Professional to your home or business to help you resolve the problem.

Healthier For You & Safer for Granite and Quartz

Many products today that claim to be safe for use on granite are not. Granite is a resilient surface, but can be damaged by some acids, ammonia and other chemicals in popular cleaners which are also not good for you the one using it.

Using a product with heavy chemical fumes is not good for humans.  We have made this sealer a low odor product for your health benefit.  It does have a faint solvent smell, however it is far less than most others.

More importantly, less effective sealers allow oils and grease  to become trapped within the pores of your granite kitchen countertop or bathroom vanity. Oils and grease, then become rancid and bread bacteria this is unhealthy for your family.

MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Sealer helps provide you peace of mind that you are keeping a safe and healthy home as possible.

Faster & Easier Sealing

This MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Sealer is designed for a professional to quickly and very effectively protect that beauty of granite without causing damage to the surface or the user. This makes for an extremely pleasant experience for the residential or commercial user.

Made in America

All MARBLELIFE Care Products are manufactured in America in Sanford, Florida and is an American owned and operated company.

About Granite Countertops

The popularity of Granite and Quartz in use for kitchen countertops and bathroom vanities is due to their naturally unique beauty and their durability.  They are far more durable than marble and still have that natural beauty.  Maintaining granite and quartz is not difficult.  There is however some very important things you should know in caring for your stone surface so that it maintains its natural beauty.  We will also explain how to eliminate the unhealthy odors and bacteria that can occur in natural stone surfaces.

These surfaces are both igneous rocks caused from the cooling of magma in the earth’s crust and therefore are resistant to burns, scratches and stains however they are not immune to them.  Stains occur far more frequently than scratches and burns.  It’s the pores in the granite and quarts that warrant the special attention.  These small pits or holes called pores can harbor oils, grease and bacteria if not removed with a high quality granite countertop cleaner.

Common Mistakes Cleaning Granite Countertops

You may be surprised to learn that there are common mistakes that occur thousands of times a day by people caring for natural stone based on what a label said or someone else had told them to do.  We know this because we are the ones that they call once the damage had been done and they need help.  We want you to have a pleasant experience with your granite countertop or quartz vanity and are happy to share these mistakes or miss-conceptions with you.

Though granite and quartz are not as easily damaged by mind acids like marble, they can still be damaged by the use of some acids.  Glass clears often contain ammonia this is not good for granite and many common household cleaners and multipurpose cleaners can be harmful for your granite surface.

Why do I need a fancy cleaner for my granite or quartz?  This is a frequent question.  The truth is that you can clean your granite with all kinds of common cleaners and home made products with what will seem like no problem for some time, until you eventually notice the problem.  Don’t be fooled by this myth that popular cleaning products and home made products or just good old fashion dish soap are OK.

We have put together a section of common myths regarding household cleaning of sensitive surfaces called “Quick Tips” in our Homeowner university.  These are to help you avoid falling into these very common traps and eventually needing repairs.  You can use the following links to find the myths regarding granite, quartz and the truth about vinegar, bleach, alcohol, dish soap, using only water, common cleaners and multifunction products.

The Proper Care of & Cleaning Granite & Quartz

Step 1 “Cleaning Granite” – Cleaning is the first and most important step in caring for Granite and Quartz.  Making sure to use a granite cleaner that is both safe to not damage your stone as well as one that will actually remove the oils that get trapped in the pores.  Additionally, your cleaner should not leave a residue.  MARBLELIFE Granite & Quartz Countertop Cleaner is not the only product that is safe and effective. It’s just that over 25 years of worldwide service of natural stone, this is the best we have experienced and what we use.

Step 2 “Sealing Granite” – Sealing your granite or quartz is the second and next most important step in caring for your granite and quartz.  Sealing your granite or quartz provides both protection against stains and helps make step one cleaning easier for you.  Since harmful oils and some substances can stain your beautiful stone, it is important to use a very high quality sealer.

A high quality granite countertop sealer should help keep out damaging oils and substances that would otherwise stain your beautiful countertop or vanity top.  By applying a granite sealer you also help make daily cleaning quicker and easier.  Sealing your granite or quartz should be done in most cases annually and in high use / high traffic areas maybe, twice a year.  MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Sealer is an extremely high quality sealer that makes sealing your countertop affordable, quick and easy.

Step 3 “Polishing Granite” – This step is not actually polishing granite since this would actually take the use of professional honing pads and a professional’s experience.  The best part is that in many, many cases that someone insists that their granite needs to be polished, it only needed to have the residue removed.  This can easily be done by you with MARBLELIFE Granite & Quartz Countertop Cleaner and by following the direction below.

After cleaning and sealing granite the only remaining step may be applying a gloss conditioner such as MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Gloss Conditioner.  The truth is that a good portion of granite and quartz will not take a gloss conditioner or “polish”.  The best way to see if your granite will take a gloss conditioner is to try one like Marblelife’s to see if you get a noticeable improvement.  If you do notice an improvement, you can now as often or as seldom as you prefer, add that richer, wetter look.  If there is no noticeable difference, then you can save yourself the trouble of trying different products because your granite is too dense to accept anything safe that would enhance its appearance.

You may also want to try the MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Kit that provides you everything you need to care for your Granite and Quartz Countertops.

Repairing Granite or Quartz – You can now see that caring for your granite or quartz is simple yet care must be taken to use the right products and procedures to ensure its best appearance.  Should your stone have cracks, scratches, and other damage or require any service beyond that described above, it is recommended that you contact your local Marblelife Service Professional for the best care possible.

MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Sealer

Step 1 “Deep Granite Cleaning” – First remove everything from the surface.  Use MARBLELIFE Granite & Quartz Countertop Cleaner to assure the surface and inside the pores are as clean as possible.  Spray a generous amount of cleaner and scrub it around with a soft brush and allow the cleaner to soak on the surface for about ten minutes staying wet.  Then scrub again and wipe all off.

Repeat step one to assure that you have removed all oils, grease and residue from previous less effective cleaning processes.  After wiping dry from the second cleaning application, lightly spray the cleaner on the counter a third time and wipe with a microfiber towel and flip over the towel to buff the counter dry and streak-free.  Now your surface is prepped and should be allowed to completely dry for several hours.

Step 2 “Applying the Sealer” – Spray enough sealer to wet the surface and rub the sealer into the granite with a paper towel or small piece of a rag.  Keep the surface of granite wet with the sealer for at least 10 minutes.  Be sure to not allow the sealer to dry on the granite yet.  After the ten minute soak, use a clean cloth or rag to wipe off the excess sealer and buff dry.  Do not use a microfiber towel at this point.  The buffing dry process is important as this allows you to avoid streaking from excess sealer drying on the surface.  Allow to dry.  MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Sealer will repel water as soon as it is dry and is fully cured in 72 hours.  You may return the contents on the counter and resume use once the sealer is dry.  Do not clean or expose to oils, chemicals, or food until it is fully cured.

Removing Stains – There are many different types of granite and quartz with various degrees of porousness and many types of substances that could stain the stone.  Therefore, there are just as many techniques for removing stains.  The simplest way to remove simple stains is to use MARBLELIFE Granite Countertop Cleaner.  Clean area thoroughly first with this cleaner then stray a puddle of this same cleaner over the stain and let it soak for about 10 minutes.  After allowing to soak, scrub with a tooth brush and wipe off with a microfiber towel.  This should resolve most simple, light stains.  For more difficult stain removal contact Marblelife Customer Care (contact info below) for free help with the right process.

If you have questions about how to best care for your stone, would like help in choosing the right products or would like assistance solving a problem, please contact us.  We absolutely enjoy assisting you and have over 30 years compiled a wealth of knowledge that we are eager to share with you.

You can email us at or call us toll free at 1-800-627-4569.

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3.5 out of 5 stars

2 reviews

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  1. Melinda from Oregon

    I was so scared I was going to mess something up. The lady on the phone said it was easy. Just spray and rub in and let it dry. I sprayed and rubbed in and let dry. But then my countertops lost their shine. So I called her back and she said I had most likely applied to much. Granite is not as porous as Marble so take a soft cloth and put some sealer on it and go back over my counters in the dull areas making sure not to leave puddles and drops on it. I did and Whoa. What a difference. I am so glad I called back. I was going to give them a so-so review, but after she explained the problem and I fixed it myself! Its 5 stars all the way! Thanks for always being there when I call.

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  2. Mark W. from Chandler AZ


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